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European School Education Platform


Fresh insights into school education policy and practice in Europe


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Search results (2264)
A child hugging tree


eTreeHuggers highlights the cultural and historical significance of trees, starting with well-known trees such as Adonis in Greece, through educational activities revolving around trees in the participants’ area and their connection with people.

eTwinning Monitoring Survey 2022

Whether you are working in Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) or in Initial Vocational Education and Training (IVET), whether you have been involved in eTwinning since the very beginning or are just getting started, we would like your opinion!

Poverty and mindsets

This report looks at how being immersed in poverty and social exclusion for a long time may affect how people consider themselves and their future, and how they act in relation to it.
Drawings of different animals: tiger, moose, snake, wolf, frog, eagle...

Animal Friends in an animal-friendly world

This project aims to deepen the participants’ understanding of the animal kingdom, as well as focusing on animal rights and their living conditions.