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European School Education Platform
Teacher Educator
eTwinning validated

Natalie Jaber

Teacher educator
Teacher educator
A versatile and resourceful Learning and Development Professional with a wealth of experience in delivering learning initiatives and fostering educational development within challenging environments, having successfully taught at all levels from Primary to Academic. An enthusiastic and solution-focused individual with proficient problem-solving skills and an eye for detail. A professional who promotes continuous improvement by investing in professional development and embedding best practice in all endeavours. Both a team player and an independent thinker, dedicated to achieving goals and objectives with a strong focus on building and managing key relationships, effectively translating all requirements and overseeing all issues through to resolution. Now seeking a new, challenging role, where diverse strengths and extensive experience within education can yield consistently high results.
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Organisations (1)

eTwinning validated
Role in organisation:
Teacher Educator
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Professional details

  • Interested in subject:
    Environmental Education
    Foreign Languages
    Language & Literature