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European School Education Platform


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Projects (33704)

Cilj projekta je unaprijediti učinkovitost korištenja eTwinning portala unutar školske zajednice. Kroz seriju radionica i individualnih savjetovanja, učitelji i učenici će biti osposobljeni za...

Chceme zasvätiť deti do minulosti ? Oživiť dávne tradície, naučiť sa ľudové piesne , tance a poznať odev našich predkov? Skúsme to a hravou formou to určite zvládneme. Krátke videá s nahrávkami...

It is aimed for individuals with special needs to acquire basic self-care skills that they need to perform routinely in daily life and to become independent in self-care skills by embedding self...

Ce projet est à destination des élèves de 6 à 12 ans (cycles 2 et 3, classes de 6ème et 5ème de collège). Il a pour objectif de construire les bases d’une culture citoyenne européenne, les élèves...

Projektas skirtas pirmų klasių ugdytinių bendro supratimo ugdymui apie medžių sandarą, dažniausiai paplitusias medžių rūšis, jų svarbą žmogui ir panaudojimo galimybes, į ugdymo veiklas įtraukiant kitų...

3rd graders will write 3 simple puzzles. For example: Who can fly? (Pilot) Our English curriculum is: Greetings Family members Opposite words Action verbs Can-can’t-can you? Feelings House rooms and...

We will prepare short dialogues with students on the subject they are learning. For example, for the unit of subject “greetings”, we will write a meeting-new-friends dialogue and the students will...

Create inter-level links that will help young people to project themselves and develop their full potential throughout their school career by creating transferable tools in 4 languages (English...