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European School Education Platform


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Projects (32727)

Proiectul este de tip transdisciplinar şi îşi propune să atragă atenția asupra importanței utilizării responsabile și sustenabile a apei. Abordarea activităților se va realiza prin metode de cooperare...

Les élèves de chacun des collèges échangeront des idées pour créer les professions du futur. Ils apprendront à se connaitre, à discuter sur leurs intérêts et comment grâce à une profession ils...

This project will explore the role of music and art in education and teens’ well-being at school with a particular focus on inclusiveness and common European values. Students will experience new ways...

The project aims at creating some interactive tasks involving students from different countries. They will be asked to work collaboratively in international groups and they will interview famous...

We want to concern students about the global situation we live in, focusing on the environment, specifically in water. Our countries share the same water ( Mediterranean sea) and it would be...

"On Europe Day We Share, On Wellbeing We Care" is a collaborative project across European schools, promoting wellbeing through creative initiatives like logo design, poster creation, and online...

În cadrul programului național Săptămâna Verde elevii vor desfășura activități specifice de protejare a mediului, de colectare, de plantare și de reciclare.

Thematic tours in the school regions: literature, history and music, using a virtual map.