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European School Education Platform


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Projects (15)

Literature without borders is the main theme of the project in which the partners decide which literary works the students will read and on the basis of which literary works the students will learn...

Proiectul își propune să iasă din tiparul ”șablon” al lecțiilor moderne și să sublinieze faptul că această disciplină nu este doar un șir de exerciții și probleme. Aplicarea metodelor interactive și a...

Our daily life’s intertwined with maths. There’s maths in environment, nature, our body, music, space, games and many places. In this project, our students’ll gain awareness by working in mixed groups...

National Quality Label
European Quality Label

Proiect de mentorat creat în cadrul Programului Transnațional de Mentorat „Educație Online prin Parteneriate”, inițiat de Direcția Generală Educație, Tineret și Sport a Consiliului municipal Chișinău...

With this project our students will prepare their own reading materials with their friends from other schools / countries through communication, collaboration and interaction and they will do reading...

National Quality Label
European Quality Label

Acest proiect este creat pentru experimentarea și exersarea instrumentelor spațiului virtual al unui proiect eTwinning (TwinSpace).

We will encourage students to read and share experiences with others by reading and do some networking with use of Internet; The kids will read one book or choose to work with their favorite one...

National Quality Label

This project focuses not only on the Christmas traditions of the participating countries, but also on the exchange of Christmas carols in different languages.

National Quality Label