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European School Education Platform


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Projects (2571)

In our project, we want to produce geometric shapes using threads, needles, buttons, knots and fabrics with our students between the ages of 10-18, thus improving the students' manual skills and...

Digitalna gejmifikacija u predškolskom obrazovanju predstavlja korišćenje igara i elementa gejmifikacije primenom digitalnih tehnologija kako bi se unapredila i obogatila iskustva dece. Interaktivne...

"Ne dopustite da vas zavaraju oni koji tvrde da ste premladi da biste mijenjali svijet. Vi ste upravo oni koji će ga promijeniti." - Malala Yousafzai Mladi su ključni nositelji promjena u društvu, no...

Državna organizacija za podršku eTwinning-u već treću godinu za redom poziva eTwinnere da učestvuju u obilježavanju Dana planete Zemlje i to putem dostavljanja vlastitih praksi, prijedloga, ideja u...

Suradnja i međusobno uvažavanje unutar razrednog odjela, škole i obitelji. Uključivanje roditelja u školske aktivnosti s ciljem uspostave kvalitetne suradnje na dobrobit učenika.

I would like to create a documentary in which pupils will play traditional games, my school has students aged 3 to 13, for the end of year party we would like to organize an event in which children...

The connection between the environment and mindfulness is a powerful one. Mindfulness involves being fully present and aware of our thoughts, feelings, and surroundings in the present moment. When we...

Subject: The beauty is in the diversity The aim of the project is online puppet theatre festival with the message that everyone is beautiful in their own way. Scenario can be a part of the curriculm...