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European School Education Platform


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Projects (24411)

In our project, we want to produce geometric shapes using threads, needles, buttons, knots and fabrics with our students between the ages of 10-18, thus improving the students' manual skills and...

Colegiul Național Pedagogic ”Andrei Șaguna” Sibiu urmărește atingerea de standarde înalte de calitate pentru activitățile educaționale și de formare profesională inițială a viitorilor învățători și...

Having a pet can indeed be incredibly beneficial for your well-being! They offer companionship, reduce stress, provide a sense of purpose, and can even improve physical health by encouraging exercise...

There are many benefits of recycling. In this context, it is very important to raise students' awareness. Because not all wastes can be recycled, but thanks to the recyclable wastes; Considering the...

"Eco-Friends" is a collaborative eTwinning project that aims to raise pupils' awareness of environmental issues and promote sustainable behaviour through the exploration of green practices and good...

Το έργο μας είναι μέρος των Εργαστηρίων δεξιοτήτων που υλοποιούμε στα σχολεία μας την τρέχουσα σχολική χρονιά, ανήκει στη θεματική ενότητα: Δημιουργώ και Καινοτομώ--STEM. και οι δραστηριότητες του...

This project is designed to raise students' environmental awareness, promote sustainable living habits and raise awareness about recycling. Within the project, students will research environmental...

World population continues to rise with projections nearing 7.2 billion by 2015 (UNEP, 2005a). Rapid urbanization accompanies this trend with an estimated two-thirds of the world’s people living in...