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European School Education Platform


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Projects (32714)

The project aims at creating some interactive tasks involving students from different countries. They will be asked to work collaboratively in international groups and they will interview famous...

Thematic tours in the school regions: literature, history and music, using a virtual map.

Knowing other people without judgment allows for deeper understanding and empathy. It enables students to recognize that everyone has their own experiences, perspectives, struggles and to highlight...

This project is meant to make students express their feelings and emotions using colours from different perspectives. Students will be exposed to various materials (related to the subjects included in...

The project wants to give new life to monuments and natural sights in each partner's town. It is a way to restore a piece of local history but also to give new strenght to the community's sense of...

Proiectul are în vedere activități de reciclare și valorificare a deșeurilor care implică utilizarea unor instrumente de tehnologie. Elevii pot să creeze obiecte de artă decorativă și design folosind...

How students can reappropriate great masterpieces to deliver a message? French-Spanish student groups will work on several art detours and will themselves hijack a work of art in order to deliver a...

The project aims to promote European citizenship education, encouraging young people to interact effectively, think critically and act in a socially and democratically responsible way, able to demand...