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European School Education Platform


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Projects (1213)

Colegiul Național Pedagogic ”Andrei Șaguna” Sibiu urmărește atingerea de standarde înalte de calitate pentru activitățile educaționale și de formare profesională inițială a viitorilor învățători și...

This is an approved Erasmus+Ka 210 with the Project No: 2023-2-PL01-KA210-SCH-000181990. This project will be run by project partners from Türkiye, Poland,Romania and Portugal on both physical...

Kids choose letters they like from the alphabet and then think to come up with words that start with that letter. Kids then also draw these things and /or take photos and create a common picture book...

In this project, we will contribute to recycling by working with waste materials. We will carry out impressive ideas and activities to protect our world from the effects of global warming through...

3-4 year-old students will learn the vocabulary of body parts

TOPIC: Discovery Traveler-Exploring the World. BRIEF EXPLANATION: This Project allows students to explore different aspects of the world and gain cultural awareness. AIM: This project aims to increase...

Participants are expected to present the most interesting aspects of their own places of residence, share traditions, customs, local food and tourist attractions.

In this project,it is aimed to enhance the motivation of students, contribute to their social skills,create team awareness,provide students with learning rules,adaptation,solving problems,interaction...