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European School Education Platform


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Projects (519)

Power point shows, videos, pictures and small presentations about the topics the students want to tell about their culture and every-day lives.

This eTwinning project focuses on exploring the rich world of idioms and proverbs across different languages and cultures. Through collaborative activities and discussions, stundents will deepen their...

Le projet Equibox est une introduction à un projet E+ qui devrait se dérouler en 2024-25. Il permettra aux partenaires de faire connaissance. Il porte sur la recherche d'équité dans sa globalité...

Ambíciou projektu Let´s know by trying je vzájomné učenie sa o kultúrnom, historickom a gastronomickom dedičstve troch zúčastnených regiónov - sever Čiech, severovýchod Slovenska a Pomoranské...

This project purports to establish communication among European schools, so as to bring diverse cultures and mentalities together. Learners will communicate with their peers so as to expand their...

Let's learn about festivals and traditions all around Europe

In your native language singing the song "Jingle Bells", what will be recorded video and mixed together to one song. It will be nice video to show in the school Christmas parties . 1. Getting to know...

Due to the coming Christmas it is going to be a project linked to this fhappy holiday. It is a short-term project. There are going to be 2 tasks: 1) Students prepare handmade postcards – Christmas...