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European School Education Platform


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Projects (29)

As individuals enter the adolescence period, they begin to give attention to their own bodies more intensely than in the first childhood and last childhood. One of the problems frequently encountered...

National Quality Label

Kviečiame visus Lietuvoje ir užsienyje gyvenančius vaikučius aktyviai švęsti Valstybės gimtadienį, paminėti nepriklausomybės atkūrimo dienos metines, ir, pasveikinant LIETUVĄ su gimtadieniu ir...

National Quality Label
European Quality Label

Today, countries with famine, millions of people left homeless due to natural disasters, endangered animals, chronic diseases increasing due to air pollution, countries where water shortages cause...

National Quality Label
European Quality Label

Projenin amacı,ilkokul öğrencilerine eğlenerek ,oyunlarla öğrenme fırsatı sunmaktır.Her ay için belirlenen etkinlikler belirli gün ve haftalarla ilişkilendirilerek öğrenme sağlanacaktır. Okuma ,yazma...

National Quality Label
European Quality Label

Teknolojideki gelişmeler sistematik ve alternatif düşünme becerisini geliştiren,olaylar arasındaki bağlantıyı görmeyi sağlayan kodlamayı hem eğlenceli hem de öğretici olarak öğrencilerimize...

National Quality Label

The aim of this project is that the students will learn about school education in different countries. This project will contain a lot of interesting topics like: My school, The History of school...

National Quality Label
European Quality Label

Öğrencilerimizin ders kazanımlarını eğlenerek öğrenmelerini, çevre bilincine sahip birer birey olarak yetişmelerini, web 2 araçları kullanarak dijital becerilerinin gelişmesini sağlayacak...

National Quality Label

With our planned project, we aim to draw attention to climate change and global warming, which manifests itself all over the world, and to raise public awareness about the problems related to climate...

National Quality Label
European Quality Label