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European School Education Platform


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Projects (9)

This event aims at attracting newcomers to the Erasmus+ programme: Target groups are teachers or head teachers from schools in the field of general education (lower and upper secondary education /...

National Quality Label

Sharing information and views about the American Election. How is the Election represented in your country’s media? And what do we think about the candidates and what influence will tthe president...

National Quality Label

This TwinSpace is created is created for participants of the Erasmus+ TCA in Tromsø, Norway, 14-17 January 2020. All the necessary information of the seminar will be shared here.

eTwinning-Seminar for teachers working at secondary schools with pupils from 10-18 years.

YOUrope – es geht um dich! - so lautet das Motto des 66. Europäischen Wettbewerbs. Damit verbunden ist eine Einladung an Schülerinnen und Schüler, sich für Europa einzusetzen. Die 2019 anstehende...

Project is created for seminar activities in Bratislava, Slovakia, 26.-28.4.2018

National Quality Label

The PDW in Copenhagen, Denmark, on 6-8 March 2018 will focus on how teachers can teach students 21st century skills in a way that combines theory and practice. What are the possibilities for...

National Quality Label

Participants will have the opportunity to report on their own experience and to exchange and develop project ideas of rediscovering and reasserting European values in school as a key against...