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European School Education Platform


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Projects (48)

Proiectul "În lumea poveștilor" își propune să aducă elevii din diferite țări împreună pentru a explora și a împărtăși bogăția culturilor lor prin intermediul poveștilor tradiționale. Elevii vor avea...

In this project we would like to encourage our students to learn new foreign languages. We also want to give a chance to use the foreign language to make new friends from different countries. As...

The aim of this project is to emphasize the recognition of good and bad traits of friendship. With this awareness, we aim our students to protect themselves from bullying.

It is a short term project in which will 5th and 6th graders and their teachers work and post their activities in order to make learning more creative and interesting.

Acest proiect vizează promovarea eTwinning la nivel local. In acest proiect profesorii/elevii vor lua contact cu spatiul eTwinning, vor învăța să lucreze în cadrul acestuia. De asemenea, vor învăța...

Aesthetic education, as a side of education, fulfills multiple educational functions, exerting a multilateral action on the development of personality, aiming at the development of the ability to...

Well-being is a basic human right. One of the most important tasks of the World Health Organization (WHO) is the healthy cognitive, emotional, behavioral, physical, and social development of the...

We're writing letters to celebrate European Day of Languages. Our letters will be both in our mother tongue and English. We will talk about ourselves, schools and environment. We will also add some...

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