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European School Education Platform


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Projects (20)

The aim of the project is to call for peace to all children around the Europe and world especially for children and people in Ukraine, thus the activities in the project will provide the pupils with...

National Quality Label

The aim of this project is to share winter activities in our countries by sending postcards, writing e-mails, taking videos and preparing posters via web2tools.

The project will be devoted to Easter traditions in European countries. The partner schools will present themselves, their schools and cities. They will create a project map, Padlet presentation about...

National Quality Label

მოსწავლეებში მოხდეს ეკოლოგიური ცნობიერების ამაღლება ,იმისათვის რომ შეამცირონ შესაძლო უარყოფითი შედეგები ,გამოწვეული თავიანთი ეკო-ნაკვალევით და გახადონ იგი ნაკლებად საზიანო დედამიწისათვის. იფიქრონ...

National Quality Label

Christmas is about caring for others. Times are extra difficult because of the Coronavirus. That's why the aim of this project is organising activities to make others happy, especially those who might...

National Quality Label

The project is based on learning and practising more than one foreign languages to improve and use language skills via enjoyable activities as well as exposing different cultures.

This project wants to reflect the beauty of the traditions in all the european countries. Beside that, since the existing of the European Union, all the countries in it become a family, new traditions...

National Quality Label

Climate change is one of the biggest threats facing our planet. Bad weather conditions that cause both physical and economic damages will become more frequent and the national economies will face the...

National Quality Label