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European School Education Platform


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Projects (7)

Proiectul vizează cele patru anotimpuri: primăvara, vara, toamna și iarna și toate elementele specifice legate de condițiile meteorologice, schimbările în natură și activitățile sezoniere ale...

National Quality Label
European Quality Label

This project will put at students disposal educational alternatives by using best innovative teaching for groups of students from various disadvantaged groups but also for students which are capable...

Our project is a project that will be implemented to raise environmental awareness, environmental management and sustainable development awareness in preschool children, and to raise children who...

National Quality Label

This project wants to reflect the beauty of the traditions in all the european countries. Beside that, since the existing of the European Union, all the countries in it become a family, new traditions...

National Quality Label

Spring is a wonderful season.. We cannot save the spring in a box but we can take its photos.. Can you share your spring photos of your country or city with us? Our aim is to collect and share...

National Quality Label

Music develops the ability to express oneself, creativity, pleasure and aesthetic sensibility.In addition, children who play music are socialized. Our students will be asked to design musical...

National Quality Label

Games for children are very important.Bu games will be more fun if we play the games of our elders.Let's play our greatest plays.

National Quality Label