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European School Education Platform


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Projects (100)

With this project, we aim to achieve the benefits, importance and function of trees, the beauties they offer to our lives, a life in which our children are intertwined with nature and internalize the...

We plan to carry out the topic of kindness in schools on certain days and weeks. Thus, we aim to expand the scope of our project and plant seeds of goodness in many areas such as the environment...

Mathematics is there for us at every stage of our lives. Students who love and learn mathematics will look at life with more hope. Students will acquire mathematical terms, concepts and skills through...

Course consists of 4 online meetings (~1.5-2h each) and practical work - carrying out the planned project.

MİNİK OKURLAR Kitap okumak çocukların zihinsel ve kişisel gelişimi için gerekli en önemli aktivite. Çocukların kitap okumaları için kitap okumayı sevmeleri gerekli. Bunun için onların ilgisini çekecek...

It is a project where children will learn by doing activities such as mathematics, art,game coding, body, sports, experiments, steam in nature.

Our project is for 2nd and 3rd classes who learn English as a second language. We will teach them by using different web tools and creative activities. It is about the subjects in the curriculum in...

In this project, our students will have knowledge about water resorces ,the importance of water,saving on water,water and production water pollution.Students will improve solution proposal by the help...