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European School Education Platform


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Projects (27)

The aim of the project is to call for peace to all children around the Europe and world especially for children and people in Ukraine, thus the activities in the project will provide the pupils with...

National Quality Label

Spending time with nature is good for everyone. Everything we can learn and have fun with is available in nature.In nature, the teacher gives little warning to children. Because children can focus...

National Quality Label
European Quality Label

We have much to protect before it's too late. Our nature, our health, our culture, our values. lets start then...

National Quality Label
European Quality Label

Our project, by applying the principle of close to far in education, especially our great leader Mustafa Kemal ATATURK, Mevlana, Mimar Sinan, Fatih Sultan MEHMET, Seyit ONBAŞI, Mehmet Akif ERSOY, Nene...

National Quality Label
European Quality Label

Okul öncesi öğrencilerin kendi kültürlerinden yola çıkarak diğer kültürleri tanımalarını sağlamak, farklı diller, bayraklar, yemekler, çocuk oyuncakları, oyunları, danslar, müzikler, kültürel motifler...

National Quality Label
European Quality Label

Kolejna odsłona cyklicznego projektu, w którym chcemy uczcić polskie święto narodowe i ponad 100 lat niepodległości kraju - Narodowe Święto Niepodległości obchodzone 11 listopada. Zespoły tworzą...

National Quality Label

Mutlu olmanın en önemli yollarından birinin yeni şeyler keşfetmek olduğu saptanmıştır. Çocukların öğrenmekten ve dünyayı keşfetmekten büyük keyif aldıkları ve bunun sonucu olarak mutlu oldukları...

National Quality Label
European Quality Label

The project consist in postcards exchange. Every school makes some cards, than pubblish them on TwinSpace. You have to write "hello" in your native language.