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European School Education Platform

The Sustainability Journey of Generation Z

We can define the modern world order as more production, more consumption, more resource use and more waste. We live by haphazardly constructing and consuming our economic and social life as if there is no tomorrow, as if there is another world to live in. But our world is sending us a message every day that we should take good care of it. The climate crisis, social inequality, reduced inclusion and accessibility. Yet we have a method for understanding and controlling our impact on the world. What's that? Sustainability. Thanks to this project, we will learn the concept of sustainability, which may sound very abstract, in all its details. More precisely, we will reconsider our daily life, which we are already accustomed to, from the perspective of sustainability. We will open the doors of a more livable world by organizing many activities from health to education, from culture to the protection of our ecosystem and natural resources.



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Our students made a short description of our project in a school celebration.

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Our School Principal gave the students and the teachers certificates for our work in this project.

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Disseminating of our project on the school celebration in The Independence Day.

We made exhibition of our project activities 

The director of education in our region appreciated our works

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Disseminating our eTwinning projecs: our school principal relating to teachers and colleagues about our eTwinning dimension!

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Greeting time!!!

It's time to wish you good luck for our project follow-up!

Italian students are writing twinmails today to thank you for the smart work done..


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Our EU dissemination week (eTwinning and Erasmus+ projects is on air at ITET de Viti de Mrco, Triggiano (ITALY)



Students at de Viti de Marco ITALY are very thrilled these days. They are preparing and staging many works to disseminate our eTwinning projects in our eTwinning school! They are presenting our project in different classes... among peers ready to be involved in new eTwinning adventure next  year

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Happy eTwinning day!!

We Italians are celebrating it in Slovenia, visiting an eTwinning school  in an Erasmus project mobility

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I am so happy to meet and work this great team. Thanks all of you.