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European School Education Platform


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Projects (28711)

Proiectul este de tip transdisciplinar şi îşi propune să atragă atenția asupra importanței utilizării responsabile și sustenabile a apei. Abordarea activităților se va realiza prin metode de cooperare...

This project will explore the role of music and art in education and teens’ well-being at school with a particular focus on inclusiveness and common European values. Students will experience new ways...

Projekt zahŕňa spoločné spievanie integračných piesní v angličtine. Deti z členských krajín budú spievať pieseň "HELLO SONG".

Spoznať Tradičné pečenie perníkov iné Národov. Prezdieľanie receptov partnerských krajín. Zdobenie perníkov. Tvorba slovníčka. Výzdoba vianočného medzinárodného spoločenstva.

Knowing other people without judgment allows for deeper understanding and empathy. It enables students to recognize that everyone has their own experiences, perspectives, struggles and to highlight...

Yaşadığı gezegen dışındaki gezegenlerin özelliklerini araştırır, bilgilerini gruptaki arkadaşları ile paylaşır.

Having a pet can indeed be incredibly beneficial for your well-being! They offer companionship, reduce stress, provide a sense of purpose, and can even improve physical health by encouraging exercise...

Sudionici projekta rješavanjem zadataka u projektnim aktivnostima jačaju jezične i komunikacijske vještine hrvatskog jezika kroz govorenje, pisanje i glazbu. Uranjanjem u prirodu potiče ih se da...