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European School Education Platform


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Projects (1556)

The Orff Schulwerk project helps children develop their musical talents and self-confidence, while also supporting their creativity and collaboration skills. The aim of this project is to enable...

As we all know water is vital for all of us and facilitations to save waste water and to purify it has gained impotance in terms of local municipalities because they use purified waste water in...

The initiative entails global collaboration, aiming to create an international cookbook. The children will collaborate on designing project challenges, capturing photographs, and creating videos...

We are creating an alpha alphabet used by this new generalin in which we used symbols instead of letters because we know our kids like easy and short ways of communication. We are going to share this...

In our project, we specifically aim to raise a generation that contributes to the natural and ecological balance by using exhaustible energy resources more efficiently and effectively, due to the...

The children go on a trip to get to know the countries of the world and their cultures. The groups participating in the project choose as "means of travel" a pedagogical tool of their preference...

Gelecek ile ilgili hayatımızda ne gibi değişiklikler olacak? "Nasıl bir ben olacağım?" sorusuna cevap arayacağız. Bu doğrultuda ahlaklı, çalışkan, doğasever, dijital ve üretken bireyler olmak için...

In our project, we want to provide permanent benefits to archaeological sites. We have planned activities to introduce archaeological sites and enable visitors to gain more information during their...