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European School Education Platform


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Projects (3002)

Uporaba spletne učilnice.

In "Branching Out" three kindergartens from Croatia, Slovenia, and Portugal will collaborate to integrate nature-based activities into their daily curriculum. The project aims to assess the current...

eTwinning projekt je nastal kot podporni projekt Erasmus+ projekta z naslovom Opolnomočeni vzgojitelji za opolnomočenje otrok. V projektu naslavljamo vsebine, ki se nas trenutno najbolj dotikajo...

Ovaj projekat je deo istoimenog Erazmus+ projekta. Kako smo škola koju pohađa veliki broj dece bez roditeljskog staranja smeštenih u Dečijem selu u Sremskoj Kamenici, želja nam je da im povećamo...

Study the school menu and see the impact on carbon footprint Involve local farmers to have more local and organic products in the school food proposed at the cafeteria Deal with waste Educate the...

Naša organizacija je sestavljena iz Osnovne šole Litija, Podružnične šole s prilagojenim programom, Podružnične šole Sava, Podružnične šole Darinke Ribič Polšnik ter Vrtca Polhek Polšnik. Deluje na...

I would like to create a documentary in which pupils will play traditional games, my school has students aged 3 to 13, for the end of year party we would like to organize an event in which children...

With our project, our students will understand the importance of nature and trees. That will create an effective awareness.