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European School Education Platform


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Projects (1180)

În cadrul programului național Săptămâna Verde elevii vor desfășura activități specifice de protejare a mediului, de colectare, de plantare și de reciclare.

Este vorba despre un proiect de colaborare între școli în care elevii, sub supravegherea profesorilor fondatori, vor posta diferite lucrări pe diferite teme. De exemplu, se pot organiza săptămânal...

Afin de préparer le futur partenariat Erasmus et la candidature pour un projet KA121, on veut commencer par un projet Etwninng. Les élèves italiens et martiniquais vont découvrir la pâtisserie de la...

Students will present their culture to their peers from other countries throughout Europe. They will make presentations and short videos. They will also share emails.

Projekt se zabývá zdravou výživou. Děti se naučí rozlišovat mezi zdravým/nezdravým jídlem, prohloubí své znalosti o účincích stravy na lidský organismus a dozví se, že vyvážená strava a zdravý životní...

The project aims to promote understanding, appreciation and inclusion by exploring international gastronomic traditions. By sharing culinary experiences, students from different countries will...

This project will provide methods and tools to develop children's, educators' and parents' understanding of green environments, ecology, the importance of climate change and sustainability. And...

This is a virtual Museum about Well-being at school created with the artsteps plateform. There will be differents rooms : - room dedicated to emotions and feelings : sadness, happiness, fear… - room...