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European School Education Platform


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Projects (4579)

Through this project, students will not only understand human and child rights but will also have the opportunity to exercise their own democratic abilities in defining and promoting the specific...

The "Digital Citizenship and Media Literacy Project" starts with a virtual orientation session, setting project objectives and distributing resources on digital citizenship. Students engage in self...

The "Discover Romania" eTwinning project aims to explore the diverse cultural, geographical, and historical aspects of Romania through an interdisciplinary approach. By engaging students from...

In your class with your students you make an instruction for programming. Film your students when they describe the instruction. We do the same. Share the instruction with us om eTwinning. We will do...

Der Zweck des Postkartenaustauschs mit Litauen besteht darin, dass sich die Schüler gegenseitig kennenlernen.Die Schüler lernen ihre Hobbys und Interessen kennen.Die Studierenden treffen sich auch...

"Eco-Friends" is a collaborative eTwinning project that aims to raise pupils' awareness of environmental issues and promote sustainable behaviour through the exploration of green practices and good...

Cieľom projektu je oboznámenie detí zábavnou formou s kultúrnymi a historickými pamiatkami mesta/obce partnerskej školy.

This project is designed to raise students' environmental awareness, promote sustainable living habits and raise awareness about recycling. Within the project, students will research environmental...