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European School Education Platform


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Projects (18001)

This project is an international cooperation initiative that aims to raise awareness of waste reduction and recycling and to promote sustainable lifestyles. While our project aims to raise awareness...

There are many benefits of recycling. In this context, it is very important to raise students' awareness. Because not all wastes can be recycled, but thanks to the recyclable wastes; Considering the...

Our project is a dynamic cultural exchange initiative between Izbilim College and Kvinesdal Ungdomskole, aimed at fostering cross-cultural understanding, collaboration, and global citizenship among...

The project aims to foster cultural awareness and understanding among students by exploring and comparing daily customs and traditions from different countries. Students will research and document the...

We are an European team of primary and secondary schools, most of them from the Vallès Oriental, Catalonia, Spain . We are going to create a Scientific congress among us, using the scientific method...

Programa padės mokiniams: pažinti savo emocijas, jas valdyti, įveikti sudėtingas gyvenimo situacijas išvengiant neigiamų santykiams, tikslų siekiui ir sveikatai padarinių; ugdytis jautrumą ir...

This project is designed to raise students' environmental awareness, promote sustainable living habits and raise awareness about recycling. Within the project, students will research environmental...

Projemizde öğrencilerimizin ders kazanımlarını web 2.0 araçlarıyla ve yaratıcı düşünme becerilerini geliştirecek oyunlar yoluyla desteklemeyi hedefliyoruz. 10’dan fazla öğretmen ve 100 civarında...