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European School Education Platform


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Projects (13)

Students will introduce themselves at the beginning and create logos. Through activities during work, they will become aware of the difference between meter and rhythm, and perform music by singing...

The idea is to create a Christmas Card for each student in the class. The Christmas Card will be followed by a letter with some information on how Christmas is celebrated in the different countries...

National Quality Label

In this project, in a creative way and through the usage of digital tools, students are going to present the cultural heritage of the place they live in. The emphasis is placed on the artistic and...

National Quality Label

Mountains occupy about 22% of the entire Earth surface. They provide important resources: drinking water, food and energy. The population of the mountain areas has a tradition and culture which are...

National Quality Label

TwinSpace for participants of the eTwinning seminar in Vienna June 2019.

First students and schools introduce themselves and then prepare greetings and upload them. Students also create logos of the project and vote for one of them. Then students find out how the same song...

National Quality Label

PL Projekt będzie polegał na: - zamieszczaniu na blogu instrukcji gier i zabaw matematycznych, które wykorzystujemy w pracy z dziećmi oraz galerii zdjęć z lekcji z wykorzystaniem wyżej wymienionych...

National Quality Label

The project will consist of: - posting descriptions of activities related to introducing programming and creating photo galleries from lessons, - using (checking) in own work selected activities...

National Quality Label