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European School Education Platform


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Projects (60)

The project aims to utilize educational technology and digital communication to achieve the objectives of sustainable development. It relies on life skills training in order to improve the quality of...

“Suyun Şarkısını Dinle (Listen To Song of The Water)” Projesi kapsamında, ilkokul kademesindeki çocuklara yönelik su varlığının yaşam için önemi, su ekosistemi, su kirliliği, su tasarrufu, suyun...

Un projet éducatif international entre des établissements scolaires de différentes cultures. Les élèves communiquent en français et en espagnol et collaborent au sein de groupes mixtes internationaux...

National Quality Label
European Quality Label

We will make use of games in teaching language (Arabic ) in order to increase students concentration and to improve their results . سوف نستفيد من الألعاب في تدريس اللغة (العربية) من أجل زيادة تركيز...

Projenin amacı hedeflenen yaş grubundaki öğrencilere Python Programlama dilinin kodlama yapısını eğlenceli bir şekilde öğretmektir. Proje kapsamında öğrencilere python dili ile yazılmış sayı tahmin ve...

National Quality Label

This project is especially for primary school children. Students create a story about themselves using their own name. That story is in English and is about the children themselves. With each letter...

National Quality Label

We will make use of games in teaching language (Arabic ) in order to increase students concentration and to improve their results . سوف نستفيد من الألعاب في تدريس اللغة (العربية) من أجل زيادة تركيز...

We are two pre-service teachers and we would like to cooperate in a project for our final project . Our goal for this project is to create a story of arabic letters that can be implemented in schools...