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European School Education Platform


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Projects (477)

Šiuolaikinių ikimokyklinukų ugdymo procese vis daugiau skiriama dėmesio vaikų judėjimui, įgyjamų žinių taikymui praktikoje. Žaidimas tampa galimybe siekti vaiko pasiekimų ir pažangos per įvairesnes...

Šiuolaikiniai vaikai dažnai yra priklausomi nuo elektroninių prietaisų, turi sunkumų atrasti ir užsiimti mėgstama veikla, stokoja bendravimo įgūdžių. Mokymasis per žaidimą, kūrybiškumo ir loginio...

Routine and habits are very important for people, especially children. They determine the boundaries of our lives, provide us with ease of movement and give us confidence. According to the famous...

A project during which we bring colors to the cold winter. Project participants conduct tests using snow, ice, frost and colors. Let's paint snow, melt it, make colored ice, draw with it. Let's create...

National Quality Label

We aim for our students to raise environmental awareness, help them to discover the causes and impact of waste and learn how they can tackle it on a personal and community level. We plan to create fun...

A child's emotions and a child's emotional development begin to spread from a young age, so we can start developing children's emotional literacy already in infancy. Various methods are suitable for...

National Quality Label

It is a project for preschool children. In the project, special education students and their regular education peers will work together. With the STEAM approach, it is aimed to increase conceptual...

This is an eTwinning project aimed at providing students with the opportunity to explore and celebrate different cultures through the powerful medium of podcasts. Our vision is to create a platform...