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European School Education Platform


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Projects (62)

Pupils get to know each other through various activities such as presentation, winter creation, Christmas cards, school presentation, presentation of their country's culture, live online interaction...

By combining games and technology, we get a new teaching method that we call gamification. Gamification is a new teaching challenge that requires engaging students, stimulating their interest, but at...

The project focuses on increasing the digital and media skills of pupils

.In this project, students switch from traditional communication methods to modern communication methods, respectively they will learn about each other's lives, educational systems, cultures and...

National Quality Label

To keep a preschool child's (and even more so smaller children's) attention, sometimes you need more than just reading. And this reading should be the best to be unique. Because you can also dance...

National Quality Label
European Quality Label

Želja nam je istražiti i prezentirati saznanja o božićnim običajima našeg zavičaja u prošlosti, o božićnim čestitkama u prošlosti i tradicijskim božićnim jelima.. Učenici će učiti i spoznavati...

All kinds of thoughts, behaviors, rules and values ​​that individuals adopt and implement in a society or social group are called values. Values ​​are at the forefront of the characteristics that make...

National Quality Label
European Quality Label

In this project we are going to send and receive handmade Christmas cards made by our students. The project will involve different schools from multiple countries in order to wish happy holidays and...

National Quality Label