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European School Education Platform


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Projects (281)

The "Let's Make Our School Greener" eTwinning project aims to engage students in environmental sustainability by focusing on recycling, creating green spaces within schools, and cultivating gardens...

Hensigten med dette projekt er, at eTwinnings ambassadører kan invitere brugere ind i twinspace, så ambassadører sammen med brugerne kan øve sig i brugen af eTwinning; lære platformens funktioner at...

Feel Think Grow Include Inspire Across Borders Explore prejudice and inclusion in our languages (gender, racism etc.) Students have behavioral difficulties and indiscipline. It is necessary to take...

Erasmus+ project no. 2023-1-RO01-KA220-SCH-000154721 01.11.2023 – 31.10.2025 Coordinator: C.N. Johannes Honterus, Brasov, Rumunia Partners: 1.Agrupamento de Escolas Nuno de Santa Maria, Tomar...

Christmas exchange cards and penpals Students from each school have a penpal. In the first card they introduce themselves and wish merry Christmas Every school makes a Christmas card for the other...

Ambassaden er de danske eTwinning ambassadørers twinspace, hvor vi kan afholde fællesmøder, træninger, månedsmøder samt samle brugbar fælles information.

Young people tend to accept whatever they hear or see and do not bother to check whether something is true or not. In a global society, where information barriers have fallen and where borders are...

Dieses Projekt ist die Fortsetzung des Projekts „Europa auf Deutsch entdecken“, das Deutschlehrer aus mehreren europäischen Ländern und der Türkei versammelt. Schüler und Lehrer treffen sich virtuell...