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European School Education Platform


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Projects (2863)

Desenvolvimento de um projeto relativo à literacia financeira dos jovens europeus.

O tema do nosso projeto será o bem-estar na escola, a saúde e a sustentabilidade do planeta. Vamos utilizar métodos e estratégias de ensino ativas com recurso às tecnologias digitais. Também pensamos...

The project aims to work the notion of Freedom(s), through its expression in different areas such as history, music, cinema, literature..., in Portugal, France and England.

Partilha de documentos digitais relativos aos desafios ambientais em várias línguas.

Con este proyecto, queremos conocer las culturas alemanas, españolas y portuguesas utilizando la lengua española. Vamos a hablar de cultura y vamos a tener sobre todo una interacción entre los alumnos...

This project consists of an analysis of the students' reality (school/local/national), affecting various issues such as sustainability, the environment or responsible consumption and the knowledge and...

We would like to encourage students to learn more about the inspiring women of their own country and also those of the participating countries. During the project they will do research, then share...

This project entitled “OLYMPIC : Olympic Legacies, Youth Milestones, Progress, Inclusion and Change”, gathers student from different European countries who will have the opportunity to work in...