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European School Education Platform


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Projects (10)

Projekte gali dalyvauti respublikos bei užsienio šalyse gyvenantys ikimokyklinio ugdymo įstaigų mokytojai, ugdytiniai ir jų tėvai (globėjai, rūpintojai).

Vaikai tyrinės ką mes galime sužinoti, tik liesdami, tik klausydamiesi, tik uosdami, tik matydami daiktą ir kiek daug apie jį galime sužinoti ir liesdami, ir klausdamiesi, ir uosdami, ir matydami...

The main aim of the project is to encourage children to experiment, explore, use their imagination, develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills, and creativity and collaboration competencies...

National Quality Label

This is a short project addressed to 8-9-year-old pupils. They will learn how to write letters and send them to each other. They will exchange information such as their names, age, living place...

Preschool education has become a compulsory necessity in this period when preschool education is rapidly becoming widespread. We will reinforce their self-confidence by providing our children with the...

National Quality Label

The project aims to raise public awareness of the problems related to climate change in the world. If only Covid -19 does not force us to correct our plans, students will acquire modern knowledge on...

National Quality Label

This project is for those students who are eager to get to know new people around the world and those who want to send and receive some letters/pastcards and national gifts. This project is for...

Our project is designed to collect informatoin about unusual buildings of schools and their history. Teachers and students of different countries will collaborate and collect ideas about usefull...

National Quality Label