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European School Education Platform


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Projects (24)

Our project will start in September 2023 and will end in April 2024.he preschool sustainable development goals include a set of goals aimed at helping children create a more sustainable world of...

Send one Christmas card to every school on the list with "Merry Christmas and Happy New Year" inside written in your mother tongue. Traditional Christmas cards are best, something that symbolises your...

National Quality Label
European Quality Label

Children learn to discover Nature and find Fibonacci Numbers in local surroundings. Forming and working as groups they fulfill their goals. Pupils use different ICT skills to actualize their aims. To...

National Quality Label
European Quality Label

The main aim of the project is to encourage children to experiment, explore, use their imagination, develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills, and creativity and collaboration competencies...

National Quality Label
European Quality Label

Mən 12-16 yaş aralığında olan şagirdlərlə çalışıram. Bu yaş aralığında şagirdlər yetginlik dövründə olurlar. Uşaqlar bu yaşlarında aqresiv, dəyişgən və qarışıq fikirli olurlar.Onlarda olan bu boşluğu...

În timpul acestui proiect, vom alege un ursulet al clasei ,cu ajutorul caruia vom realiza activitatile la clasa.Fiecare participant va posta fotografii din cadrul activităților . În timpul derularii...

Projekt przeznaczony jest dla dzieci i młodzieży w wieku 5 -18 lat; Tym razem dzieci będą poznawały nietypowe święta polskie i nie tylko. Podczas zajęć stwarzane będą dla dzieci sytuacje sprzyjające...

National Quality Label

One of the most basic needs of children is the game. Play is the child's most basic need and purpose. Depending on this need, there is play wherever the child is, regardless of where in the world...

National Quality Label