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European School Education Platform


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Projects (8)

Man should know the order of nature in which he lives and act in accordance with this order. One of the most important issues that we should convey to our children is environmental and nature...

National Quality Label
European Quality Label

Spending time with nature is good for everyone. Everything we can learn and have fun with is available in nature.In nature, the teacher gives little warning to children. Because children can focus...

National Quality Label
European Quality Label

We have much to protect before it's too late. Our nature, our health, our culture, our values. lets start then...

National Quality Label
European Quality Label

Projekt z zakresu edukacji przyrodniczej i ekologicznej "Z przyrodą nam po drodze" ma na celu przygotowanie dzieci do świadomego działania na rzecz ekologii i ochrony przyrody. Rozwijanie postawy...

With this project, we will mark the European Day of Languages in order to get acquainted with the richness of languages in the world and to raise awareness of the importance of learning foreign...

National Quality Label
European Quality Label

eTwinning seminar in Albania will be organized in Tirana on September 7-9. This event focuses on primary and lower secondary education teachers in rural areas, beginners in eTwinning or with less...

National Quality Label

The project will introduce students to the big 21'st century changes that technologies will bring into their lives . New generation has to learn to live with technologies and devices that will become...

National Quality Label
European Quality Label

Glass partitions were added in front of the classroom and administrative rooms. And tiling the ground scene. Building a water fountain in the middle of the square. And the distribution of agricultural...

National Quality Label