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European School Education Platform


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Projects (46)

We explore our own city and then imagine a common dream city with what we really like and need

Değerler toplum için önemlidir, değerlere uygun davranan insanlar da toplum gözünde değerlidir. Değerler sadece günlük eylem ve davranışlarımıza rehberlik eden ilke ve ölçütler olmaları bakımından...

In our project, we aim to combine the strengths of both traditional and online learning methods to provide our students with a more engaging learning experience by using a blended learning model. We...

This project unites values and themes of Sustainable Development together. Every months the students will work on a theme of Sustainable Development and they will make activity related to this theme...

National Quality Label
European Quality Label

This is a short-term, month-long project, during which students will improve their Knowledge of English, take an interest in advent traditions, expand vocabulary, take an interest in the Christmas...

National Quality Label

The project is initiated and methodologically supported and improved by the Regional Department of Education - Pleven/Bulgaria. We can help make learning at home easy and fun. Supporting lessons...

National Quality Label

Kolejna odsłona cyklicznego projektu, w którym chcemy uczcić polskie święto narodowe i ponad 100 lat niepodległości kraju - Narodowe Święto Niepodległości obchodzone 11 listopada. Zespoły tworzą...

National Quality Label

Okul öncesi ve İlköğretim öğrencileriyle yürütülmesi düşünülen projemiz ile;dünya genelinde belirgin yaşanan iklim değişikliği ve küresel ısınmaya dikkat çekmeyi,geri dönüşümün önemini küçük yaşta...

National Quality Label
European Quality Label