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European School Education Platform

Partner finding

Partner finding is a meeting point for schools and teachers interested in hosting mobility activities and taking part in them, such as teaching assignments, job shadowing or placements. Listings can be posted both by organisations that offer mobility opportunities and individuals looking for such opportunities. Learn more about the partner finding types here.

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Postings (8)

Partners for a cooperation partnership
I would like to be partner in KA2 Erasmus+ project

visit other kindergartens to share with us their experiences and activities!

Age range up to 3 - 6
Expires on
Created on 16.02.2024 | Last edited on 16.02.2024
Partners for a cooperation partnership
Peer Bullying

Let's make our schools happy schools together.

Age range up to 3 - 6
Expires on
Created on 26.01.2024 | Last edited on 26.01.2024
Partners for a cooperation partnership
"And we have given something to Europe"

• Promote cooperation and exchanges between establishments in order to strengthen the quality of teaching,
research and stimulate innovation.
• Encourage innovation in the design and implementation of teaching, the acquisition of new

Age range up to 3 - 10
Expires on
Created on 04.01.2024 | Last edited on 04.01.2024
Partners for a cooperation partnership
Peer Bullying in preschool

There is peer bullying among students in our school. I know there is one at your school too. With this project, we will both solve peer bullying and enable our teachers to integrate with different cultures and improve themselves academically...

Age range up to 3 - 6
Expires on
Created on 30.12.2023 | Last edited on 30.12.2023
Partners for a cooperation partnership
Belgian school (kinder garten + primary) would like to join a KA2 Erasmus+ project as experienced and reliable partners.

Little Belgian school with some serious eramsus+ projects experience (3 previous project as coordinators) are looking to be partners in a KA2 cooperation project. Our main interests are "how to improve reading and writing skills" as key competences...

Age range up to 3 - 12
Expires on
Created on 19.12.2023 | Last edited on 19.12.2023
Partners for a cooperation partnership
Music Genres and Styles

Music is involved in every aspect of our lives. It is always, endlessly traveling with us in the beating of our hearts, in our breathing, in our steps, in time. We will create the rhythm of our class by examining the world's music genres together...

Age range up to 3 - 6
Expires on
Created on 03.12.2023 | Last edited on 03.12.2023