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European School Education Platform

European gastronomy - eat green & change tomorrow

We spend a lot of time eating - food is the way we get our energy and nutrients. Our European gastronomy is very rich and students are eager to know more about it. Food lies at the heart of our lives, but this is a major contributor to Climate Change. Through a PBL approach, besides sharing their country’s gastronomy, students will discuss how our diet contributes to Climate Change and try to find solutions. We need to empower young people, motivating them to be active citizens, as well as change-makers in today's World! Throughout the project, students will explore these actual topics, collaborating in national and international teams. In addition to creating presentations, videos, posters, infographics, podcasts, students will engage in STE(A)M activities and academic debates. The students' works and conclusions will be compiled into a digital final product that showcases their innovative solutions and insights.



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We were at the FAIR FESTIVAL - Aletta-Haniel-Gesamtschule


Happy Europe Day and Happy eTwinning Day !

To commemorate European Week, students participating in our eTwinning projects have become Erasmus/eTwinning ambassadors. They have visited the first and second year of  ESO to promote this European initiative and our commitment to it. We have also done several activities related to the topic!

Congratulations, Erasmus eTwinning ambassadors!

Happy Europe day and happy eTwinning day!








DARE TO SHARE - Swedish Erasmus team gets aquainted with our project




During the visit we received last week from the Erasmus students from Sweden, members of the "A Better Life for 2030" project, our students from the eTwinning project "Euro-Gastronomy: eat green and save tomorrow" gave them a warm welcome in your classroom.

At this meeting, they enthusiastically shared the foundations of our project, exploring the potential impact of our dietary choices on the environment and highlighting the importance of responsible consumption. Together, they worked collaboratively on various activities.

We thank all participants for their contribution and commitment.





Extraordinary Trees 2024

The Portuguese students accepted the challenge lead by FAPAS, a Portuguese Environmental NGO, to celebrate International Day of Forests (March 21st) through participating in a postcard contest.  The Extraordinary Trees 2024 postcard contest aims to raise awareness about nature and biodiversity, focusing particularly on the crucial role trees and forests play in mitigating climate change. Our extraordinary trees were chosen among the ones existing in our school's courtyard - pomegranate tree, orange tree, avocado tree, stone pine, olive tree and loquat. We chose trees that relate to all ecosystem services (production, support, regulation and cultural services) and also in line with our project's goals.

📣We are glad to announce that the team who created the postcard about loquat was awarded! 🎉Congratulations to the team!🏆

Awarded postcard


Exploring bread | A STEM adventure

We invite you to look into page 11. Exploring bread and discover what the Portuguese team students have done in this STEM activity.

Have fun playing the games about the information we shared on TwinSpace. 




You can also use the Forum to share your feedback on the activity. 

Refood | "Stop waste feed people"

On March 20, three Refood volunteers explained us how this non-profit association runs.

Students learnt about the importance of volunteering, and how these volunteers work in order to prevent good food from being wasted and people from going hungry. This talk also raised awareness on the fact that citizens can donate a small part of their time to change the world in their neighborhood.

Students also realised that food waste is a serious problem and we must fight it.

Expert talk Refood

1st students' online meeting | 11th March 10:00 CET

On March 11, students from Greece, Portugal and Spain participating in the project met online.

After the teachers greetings, students took part in an ice breaker activity - "This or that". Using the wheel of names, a team was selected and had to choose between two traditional dishes. The other teams also shared their opinion and most of them agreed with the choices made.

We announced the results of the logo poll and everyone got to know the project's logo. Thank you to all the students who participated in the activity! The logo proposals were very creative.

Students from each partner schools shared some traditional recipes as well as some fun facts. All the recipes seemed to be very tasty!

Then students played a game, which questions aimed to engage students on the next project's topic. At the end of the meeting, students shared their opinion about the environmental impact of our food choices. Before saying goodbye, students assessed the meeting.

Online meeting
Online meeting


We are all looking forward for the next meeting, hopefully with all partner schools!

Global Women’s Breakfast | International Day of Women and Girls in Science

📢 Do you know Global Women's Breakfast (GWB)?


📽️ Watch the amazing welcome video for the GWB 2024!


GWB2024 Welcome Video from Laura McConnell on Vimeo.


Students at AENG celebrated Women and Girls in Science by researching about more sustainable ways of baking bread. They discovered some recipes of bread made with acorn's or chestnut's flour. We decided to do an experiment (STEM activity) about this.


Baking bread
Baking bread


On February 27 we organized the GWB at our school and the teachers and students ate the different breads, making part of this experiment. 

We are now working on the scientific poster to disseminate our findings. Stay tunned!

Logo poll

📣 Are you ready to vote and help us choose the best logo for the project?


🗳️ Choose wisely, remember the logo will symbolize our project!


🔗 Link

Vytina Junior High School, Greece enjoying the logo competition!

On February 20th we had fun voting for our best 3 logos, uploading them on the platform and then taking the time to admire other members' creativity and commenting on the logos we liked the most. Everyone has done a fantastic job! Good luck to all our partners!

logo competition comments