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European School Education Platform


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Projects (26651)

Partilha de documentos digitais relativos aos desafios ambientais em várias línguas.

The project consists of a set of activities that aim to integrate sustainability and cultural activities, covering the various heritage sources and natural resources.

Conhecer cidades Património Mundial da Unesco.

Thematic tours in the school regions: literature, history and music, using a virtual map.

The project wants to give new life to monuments and natural sights in each partner's town. It is a way to restore a piece of local history but also to give new strenght to the community's sense of...

Proiectul are în vedere activități de reciclare și valorificare a deșeurilor care implică utilizarea unor instrumente de tehnologie. Elevii pot să creeze obiecte de artă decorativă și design folosind...

Teachers have a big challenge to fight students’ off-task in the classroom. Despite the teachers’ multifunctional skills and knowledge, sometimes there is a lack of abilities to motivate students...

This project is an international cooperation initiative that aims to raise awareness of waste reduction and recycling and to promote sustainable lifestyles. While our project aims to raise awareness...