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European School Education Platform


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Projects (82615)

Proiectul are în vedere activități de reciclare și valorificare a deșeurilor care implică utilizarea unor instrumente de tehnologie. Elevii pot să creeze obiecte de artă decorativă și design folosind...

Na TwinSpaceu projekta predstavit će se aktivnosti i rezultati koji su postignuti za vrijeme trajanja Erasmus+ projekta od 1. rujna 2022. do 29. veljače 2024. Teme objavljenih materijala su...

How students can reappropriate great masterpieces to deliver a message? French-Spanish student groups will work on several art detours and will themselves hijack a work of art in order to deliver a...

The project aims to promote European citizenship education, encouraging young people to interact effectively, think critically and act in a socially and democratically responsible way, able to demand...

Our schools have set sail on a project towards a greener and more sustainable future. We want to stop using plastic water bottles in our schools. Therefore, we are trying to raise awareness within the...

Our students use the target language in a meaningful way in their daily lives. Although it is a popular common culture in today's globalizing world, children and young people are alienated from their...

This project is designed to teach English as an enjoyable and effective way in middle classrooms. It is going to act as a way of implementing the approved Erasmus project and dissemination activity.

This project is an invitation to cultural discovery and creativity. It is a virtual journey to Poland and Réunion. The project aims to open up cultural horizons through the discovery of the partners'...