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European School Education Platform


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Projects (71)

Playing games always increases the child's self-confidence. It enables the development of the ability to overcome all the problems and problems encountered in life. In addition, the child's movement...

We plan to start the project on March 22, 2022. Creativity and efficiency of the educational process in early education are developing maintaining a well-thought-out balance between the possibilities...

National Quality Label
European Quality Label

Çocuklar uzay ile ilgili faaliyet ve etkinliklere her zaman merak ve heyecanla yaklaşırlar. Çocukların merak duygusunu besleyen uygun öğrenme etkinlikleri düzenlemek çocukların her açıdan...

National Quality Label
European Quality Label

Bu proje 3-6 yas çocuklarının kitapları tanıması ,sevmesi ve erken yasta kitap okuma alışkanlığı geliştirmesi ,kitapların büyülü dünyasına adım atma , kitaplarla farklı neler yapılabilir bakış acısını...

National Quality Label

NATURE EXPLORERS *** HIDDEN BIODIVERSITY*** Come and join our nature community explorer. Become a nature explorer leading a concrete action to discover, make other discover and value the LOCAL...

National Quality Label

Neglecting outdoor activities and play in pre-school education programs may pose the danger of bringing the current passive life to an earlier age. It has also been proven by scientific research that...

National Quality Label

Generation Z, whose name we have heard frequently in recent years, refers to a generation that was born in a time period that includes various features that are experienced with technologies widely...

National Quality Label

Pupils observe and compare the weather (the changing nature) in different countries. The basis of the project are photos or pictures (or weather songs if you want) . Project time from December to May.

National Quality Label