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European School Education Platform


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Projects (45)

The project Goalkeepers aims at raising awareness about the UN’s 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and forming a strong students’ foundation to defend the goals. With our project we try our best...

National Quality Label

Descoperirea lumii miraculoase a fractalilor și explorarea fractalilor în diverse domenii vitale. Identificarea instrumentelor digitale de construcție a fractalilor. Discovering the miraculous world...

We are all surrounded by art in various forms and its presence in our lives is multi beneficial. This project is a tribute to art, celebrating art in all its forms, recognising its multiple benefits...

National Quality Label
European Quality Label

Project participants are invited to join first of all the main European initiatives and to organize the activities of the European Programming Week in their educational institutions, Programming Hour...

National Quality Label

F.A.L.L este un acronim pentru “Festivalul Autumnal de Limbă şi Literatură” şi mizăm pe semnificaţia cuvântului pe care acest acronim îl formează, “fall”, care înseamnă “toamnă” în limba engleză. De...

Teachers who are familiar with Web 2.0 tools are given online training to students on distance education, enabling students to use information tools safely and efficiently. Students learn to use web 2...

National Quality Label
European Quality Label

Students will share different values and do activities every month with students living in other countries and increase their language skills by using English.

National Quality Label
European Quality Label

Acest proiect este despre prietenie, colaborare, comunicare, parteneriat între elevii școlilor din țară și din Europa. Proiectul se concentreaza pe un fenomen care, după toate probabilităţile, are loc...

National Quality Label
European Quality Label