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European School Education Platform


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Projects (419)

În acest proiect ne propunem ca elevii să conștientizeze importanța cunoașterii mediului natural și antropic din jur, protejarea acestuia și să aplice metode de reducere a impactului negativ asupra...

Elevi din licee din diverse zone geografice ale României vor colabora pentru a sărbătorii Ziua Europei

ASSET is a Key action 220 (nr. 2023-1-ES01-KA220-SCH-000153474) project with cooperation between organisations from Belgium-Croatia-Hungary-Romania-Serbia-Spain-Turkey. Our primary objective is to...

The Harmony of Nature -2024. The project is dedicated to the European Year of Competences with integration into the curriculum. Exchange of experience, scientific pursuit of phenomena in nature, the...

We call the reproduction of a person's features a "portrait", but the basic idea is that the reproduction does not have to be mechanically faithful: otherwise we would consider the images that mirrors...

Acest proiect vizează promovarea eTwinning la nivel local. In acest proiect profesorii/elevii vor lua contact cu spatiul eTwinning, vor învăța să lucreze în cadrul acestuia. De asemenea, vor învăța...

The teachers, the students and the parents use the internet nearly every moment. Besides the advantages of the internet, ıt has many disadvantages. So,In this Project we aim to teach the students...

Aesthetic education, as a side of education, fulfills multiple educational functions, exerting a multilateral action on the development of personality, aiming at the development of the ability to...