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European School Education Platform


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Projects (403)

Second language acquisition, or sequential language acquisition, is learning a second language after a first language is already established. Many times this happens when a child who speaks a language...

In this project,we will learn interesting superstitions in diffferent countries and share our superstitions.Thanks to this project, students will use "future tense" and learn interesting informations...

The aim of our project is to improve students' language skills while increasing their cultural awareness, to develop their sense of empathy and enable them to experience different cultures. Besides...

Our pupils from 9 to 10 want to share the learning of english language with others in Europe. We will introduce ourselves with short videos.

Our aim from the project is national or international games play in the Pause .

Street games are traditional and public games usually played in open areas, streets or parks. These types of games are usually played using simple materials or just the body. Street games are popular...

We would like to learn some scientific information with experiments. While we do experiments, at that time we are going to improve our foreign language skills. What is more, our students will...

This project is an e-twinning project created to introduce nature to our students living in a certain area, to enable them to interact with nature and to develop environmental awareness. The project...