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European School Education Platform


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Projects (185)

Et testprosjekt for norske eTwinning-ambassadører.

Trying to learn eTwinning

Et lite prosjekt for å teste ut mulighetene i TwinSpace

The project is about the pioneers of culture and civilization. In this project, schools from different regions of Europe will come together and introduce the notable personages of their country in...

El pan es un elemento sencillo y versátil presente en todas las mesas y dietas de Europa, Medio Oriente, India y América. A partir de un cereal (trigo, centeno, cebada, maíz y arroz) y agua las...

MAIN IDEA We will imagine a trip to another planet, or colonizing another planet. Then we can decide on the specific activities that will all link th that generic theme. For example, we could have a...

Die Schüler stellen sich vor und lernen die Schulen und den Schulalltag ihrer Partner im Ausland kennen. Dabei entdecken sie auch die Länder und die Städte der Partner.

Los alumnos van a cambiar ideas sobre como vivir de una manera sostenible en su comunidad/ciudad.