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European School Education Platform


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Projects (668)

Starting from observing our local flora (school garden or land nearby the school) be conscious of our biodiversity and how important is to respect our environment; Outdoor activities and connection...

The project will deal with the visit of our students to a Polish school. They will share a video or power point presenting their town and school. The Italian students will meet the Polish students...

Wir möchten unsere Deutschkenntnisse durch die weltweit begangenen besonderen Tagen verbessern. Unser Ziel ist es, Bewusstsein für Themen wie Umwelt, Freundschaft, Menschenrechte und Empathie für...

Il progetto prevede lo scambio informazioni tra i ragazzi delle due nazionalità su temi di interesse comune, attraverso l'uso delle strutture e del lessico appresi in classe. Si prevede, grazie a...

The project involves children aged 12 to 14, it has the objective of mutual knowledge, in-depth study of cultural, historical and territorial aspects of the countries involved. (Presentation of the...

We want to design the residences of the future with a perspective on a wide scale, from using rainwater to growing organic products in the garden. We will try to determine the features of the house by...

Our project enables students and teachers from three countries (France, Italy, and Slovakia) to make them reflect on our food habits in the deteriorating environment and thus on our Planet. The main...

Wir behandeln in der Klasse verschiedene Themen, und je nach Themen erstellen wir digitale Spiele, die wir dann einander in TwinSpace zur Verfügung stellen und sie zusammen spielen.