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European School Education Platform


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Projects (1735)

We want to exchange Easter cards with kindergartens from other European countries to share our customs related to Easter and learn customs from other countries.

Στο έργο μας θα παρουσιαστεί η ανθρώπινη παρέμβαση στο φυσικό περιβάλλον της περιοχής μας, η αλλοίωση και τα προβλήματα μόλυνσης που προκαλεί.

The project will be about preparing and sending easter cards through traditional post office.

The phrase "Hakuna Matata" is not a random conglomeration of words. These words were borrowed from the Swahili language, which is widely spoken in Africa. It means "don't worry!" This slogan will...

The aim of this trail is to help pupils understand the role that medicinal plants have always played in human life, from the point of view of food and medicine. These plants are the basis of the...

The main idea of the project is to stimulate children's interest in the Olympic games and sport. We will use the STEAM learning method and we will look for non-standard, creative, innovative ways...

Στο πλαίσιο του ευρωπαϊκού προγράμματος e- Twinning υλοποιείται το έργο με θέμα «Φυσιολάτρες εν ενεργεία! Μαθαίνοντας να προστατεύουμε το δάσος και τη θάλασσα». Το κύριο θέμα του προγράμματος είναι η...

Easter is a very important spring festival that is also closely linked to life - the awakening of nature. Celebrating this day, discussing and implementing their traditions and customs has a special...

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