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European School Education Platform


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Projects (34459)

This project will be the meeting point of a group of schools working together on the preparation of a film festival, which they will carry out during their Erasmus mobilities. They will focus on film...

Understand the meaning and reason to be of the students’ countries flags.

We are an European team of primary and secondary schools, most of them from the Vallès Oriental, Catalonia, Spain . We are going to create a Scientific congress among us, using the scientific method...

What does multicultural reality look like for young people in Spain and Germany? In this eTwinning project, two groups of learners from Spain and Germany discuss the reality of their lives and at the...

El proyecto consiste en realizar actividades que permitan a nuestros alumnos conocer otras culturas y realidades europeas utilizando la lengua castellana que están aprendiendo. Los participantes...

Students of different countries are going to create a poster about their country, culture, interesting or fun facts and exchane them with other partner schools.

Students describe what they did yesterday, a day before yesterday or a week ago. They have to choose one day in the past and describe it in Past Simple. Then, the teacher records the voices and send...

Pupils will explain how their towns are talking about the most famous buildings and places they have, and as a result, they are going to discover different ways of life. They are also going to share...